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On 06/8/1441H (corresponding to 30 March 2020), the General Authority for Competition (the Authority) issued the anticipated Merger Control Guidelines (the Guidelines) that aim to provide some clarification and interpretative guidance on merger control related provisions of the Competition Law issued by Royal Decree no. M/75 dated 29/6/1440H (corresponding to 6 March 2019 (the Competition Law) and its Implementing Regulations issued by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Authority on 25/1/1441H (corresponding to 24 September 2019) (the Implementing Regulations).
This alert summarizes the most significant provisions of the Guidelines, including the:
- Notifiable transactions under the Competition Law and the Implementing Regulations;
- Calculation of the merger control threshold;
- Calculation of the total annual value of sales;
- Groups of companies; and
- Financial periods to be considered.
To view the full article, please click here or the Download Alert button below.
For further details on the Guidelines and its practical impact on your operations in Saudi Arabia, please do not hesitate to contact our Saudi Competition team.