


In brief During 2023 we saw various changes to the UAE employment and labour law landscape continue apace, supporting the government’s objective of attracting and retaining business and talent in the country. These include the new alternative end-of-service benefits scheme, unemployment insurance scheme, changes to Emiratisation and more. In this article we set out a brief summary of the key developments that have taken place in 2023 and take a look ahead to 2024. In…

In brief On 28 September 2023, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has issued Federal Law No. 36 of 2023 (the “New Competition Law”), which has repealed and replaced Federal Law No. 4 of 2012. The New Competition Law signals a new era of enforcement by the UAE Ministry of Economy by providing a functional competition regime through, inter alia: extending a wider scope of application to almost all economic activities; expanding its mandate by prohibiting…

On 2 October 2023, the UAE issued Federal Law No. 54 of 2023, which amended Federal Law No. 14 of 2018 on the Central Bank and the Organization of Financial Institutions and Financial Activities (the “Central Bank Law”) and changed the definition of currency to include a “National Digital Currency”. The amendment to the Central Bank Law was published in the Official Gazette on 31 October 2023. Article 57.4 of the Central Bank Law has…

In brief The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Court of First Instance (DIFC Court) has considered in its recent Order of 19 September 2023 in Muhallam v Muhaf [ARB 021/2022] (the “Order”) whether a provisional award introducing interim measures is enforceable in the DIFC as an β€œaward”. The dispute centred around the controversial issue of whether interim awards are final awards capable of recognition, including under the New York Convention. The DIFC Court held that…

End of Service Gratuity, Proposed Changes to DIFC Employment Law, Unemployment Insurance and More In brief There have been a raft of developments to the UAE’s employment regime over the last few months as the UAE government ramps up initiatives to attract and retain talent in the country. We have set out below a summary of the legal and commercial updates and key considerations for employers to comply with the changes and minimize potential business…