On 15 September 2023, several amendments to the Implementing Regulations to the Income Tax Law (the “IRTL”) and the Implementing Regulations for the Collecting of Zakat were published in the official Saudi Gazette (Umm Al Qura). The amendments came pursuant to the Minister of Finance Resolution No. (25) dated 08/01/1445H. Key observations The amendments to the RITL reflect the proposed changes published in May 2023 for public consultation. The amendments are as follows: In addition,…
Over the course of past weeks, the General Authority of Zakat and Tax (ZATCA) has released a number of public consultations outlining the proposed amendments to a series of tax legislations. As an overall comment, this is a welcoming move and should be closely monitored as and when the proposed amendment is formally introduced in the relevant legislation. Below is a high-level summary of the proposed amendments to the relevant tax legislations in KSA. Consistent…
In brief The need for the Tax Authorities to have better control and oversight on e-commerce transactions and the respective tax revenues has prompted the UAE Ministry of State for Financial Affairs to issue a Ministerial Decision No. 26 of 2023 on the Criteria and Conditions for Electronic Commerce for Purposes of Keeping Records of Supplies Made (“Ministerial Decision”) in February 2023. This new reporting requirement is applicable for taxpayers whose e-commerce taxable supplies exceed…
In brief In February 2023, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“KSA”) Tax Authority released a Tax Circular outlining the mechanism, controls and procedures for the tax refund to persons who are not residents of the GCC Member States and carry out an economic activity with VAT (or a similar tax system) registration in another country (“non-resident taxpayers”) in accordance with Article (67) of the GCC VAT Framework. Recommended actions In response to the opening of…